bonus features: "bravo for the women of canada"

This post offers supplementary material for a recent Torontoist article , which you should read first before diving into this post. Cartoon by Andy Donato, the Toronto Sun , January 30, 1988. One of the pleasant surprises I discovered while researching this story was that all of Toronto’s major newspapers agreed that the Supreme Court of Canada made the right decision to kill the existing federal abortion law. There were notes of caution (the Sun ’s editorial strongly recommended counselling on alternatives and birth control, while the Star suggested some controls would be necessary), but they weren’t accompanied by troglodytic language. I was impressed by the Sun ’s coverage—it was very even-handed, to the extent of a point/counterpoint piece where representatives from pro-choice and anti-abortion groups were given space to state their views side-by-side. There was one exception, and it’s a doozy.