tip comparisons at point pelee

The View From the Tip

The view north from the tip of Point Pelee. The trek to the southern end of mainland Canada was longer than last year, though the tip's length is not back to the length it had years ago when it took a long hike to reach a long-gone viewing platform.

(Speaking of things long gone at Point Pelee, does anyone know where one may find the cartoon featuring aliens curious about the formation of the tip that ran in the park's visitor centre for years?)

Irwin Allen's Tip!

For comparison, here's how the tip looked two years ago. The rocks in this picture are found at the edge of the forest in the top shot.

Top photo taken August 3, 2009, bottom photo July 1, 2007.


PS: Several new posts on Torontoist, including two SummerWorks reviews (Actionable and Every Time I See Your Picture I Cry), a vintage ad celebrating the ninetieth birthday of the Music Hall theatre, and tasty finds on an edible tree tour. - JB


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