the complete plays of jamie bradburn, age 7
There's a local reading series called Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids that allows people to do just that: expose to the public odd pieces they wrote during their formative years. I haven't attended one, but the concept inspired me to dig through the storage tub of early literary masterpieces back home. Among the goodies I found was a script written around grade 2, Zama's Talking Bird . Memory serves that this was a group assignment meant to follow up a story in one of our Gage readers. The play is credited to three writers but I suspect I devised most of it, since its structure and narrative pattern resembles other works from the same period...unless I absorbed the thoughts and writing rhythms of peers. Revisiting my early writing, the more I'm convinced that: My imagination was healthy I was aware of what certain type layouts should look like (plays contain acts, etc) Warner Brothers cartoons were my formative creative influence My destiny should ha...