new york stories (2)
Note: Still tracking down the images that originally appeared in this post. Day 2 - Metropolitan Museum of Art/Harlem/American Museum of Natural History/32nd & 2nd area All early indications pointed towards decent weather for our trip. As Monday night rolled around, all of the local stations suddenly predicted a monster storm, going into the full-panic mode American TV stations love to go into when more a dusting of snow occurs. We figured there wasn't anything to worry about. Wrong. At least our plans could handle a storm. If it had been an episode of Polka Dot Door, it would have been "get ready, get set for Museum Day." By the time we hit the Met , the storm had started in earnest, with strong winds making it hard to walk from the subway station to the museum. The day soon became an exercise in seeing how long Amy's feet would hold up. The Met is not a puny museum - unless you spent a few days there or had Flash-like powers, it's impossible to...