vintage street & smith college football ad

Vintage Ad #1,272: Who Cares?

It's cleaning time at the Warehouse. Among the scraps of paper we found were ads clipped out of college football yearbooks tossed out long ago. Most concerned "handicapping" services for die-hard sports gamblers.

We figure Baystate knew their target audience. Much like Scoreline Man, the guy boring his lady friend in the tub with the latest spreads on the Bears-Packers game looks like a stereotypical example of a man who'd use a sports handicapping service. He's an average guy with a slight paunch, receding hairline and a taste for cheap wine and cigars. What average Joe wants to endure high-pressure tactics from phone bookies? If the advertised relaxed approach pays the promised high dividends, maybe you too can use those winnings to treat your wife/partner/girlfriend/hired companion to a weekend of relaxing in a hotel jacuzzi.

Just don't bore her with two hours of conversations centred around point spreads, OK?

Source: Street & Smith 1983 College Football Yearbook - JB


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