sights on a sunday walk around toronto

The last Sunday of summer. Sunny skies, comfortable temperatures. Good conditions to spend an afternoon reaquainting myself with certain parts of downtown. I went on an amended version of the old "Sunday constitutional" route I used to walk most Sundays—instead of starting at Osgoode station and succumbing to the lure of a cheap Indian buffet, I took the Spadina car down to the top of Kensington Market. From there, it was a meandering trek down to Queen West, followed by a (brief) stop amid the crowd at the art show in Trinity-Bellwoods (the tight cluster of those browsing proved claustrophobic). From there, I strolled up Montrose to College, passing neighbours shooting the breeze on their porches and men pruning front yard foliage for elderly residents.

And then there was a sight that provides a good opportunity to haul out a well-worn logo used on this website...

Warehouse Election Central

Rocco Rossi: Bocce Balls

Election signs will soon become chic decor items in apartment windows and on city lawns. The odd poster has popped up around town, such as this one for Rocco Rossi I came across. Seems the contender (hovering, according to the poll currently grabbing attention for how far ahead Rob Ford is, in fourth place) is basing his campaign posters upon his Italian background and some of the stereotypes that go with it. Our Mayor: the goodfella.

Where was this posted? College Street on the edge of Little Italy.

Given the nature of some of Mr. Rossi's recently revealed platforms (recalls that could lead to dubious attacks from interests with specific axes to grind, the Spadina"Toronto Tunnel"), one may suspect that his bocce balls aren't implanted in his gut but his brain. One also suspects the Rossi campaign's fancy hired help are desperately trying anything to capture a moment of a voter's time. They may be succeeding, but not with the desired outcome.

Musical Chairs in Baldwin Village

While heading toward Yonge Street, I accidentally stumbled upon Baldwin Village's Pedestrian Sunday. Taking up the middle of Baldwin Street was a game of musical chairs with live accompaniment. It was tempting to stick around and see if another game ensued to test out my chair-grabbing skills, but my energy was winding down.

Waiting Room Only

While waiting for a bus at Davisville station, I took a picture of the notice painted above the entrance to the sheltered waiting area. The letters seemed to be in a similar state of decay during childhood waits for the Bayview bus. It's likely the only signage in the station to retain the classic TTC font.

Photos taken September 19, 2010 - JB


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