they tried to make me go to rehab, in 1894, 4, 4...

Vintage Ad #213 - They Tried To Make Me Go To Rehab (in Oakville)
On a recent research trip, I discovered hard copies of a 1890s newspaper called Truth. Most of the advertising revolved around pianos, matches, patent medicines or, as in this example, sanitariums.

The only information that seems to be available on the web is an except from a pamphlet just after the turn of the century, touting its proximity to Toronto and Hamilton. If anyone knows where Lakehurst was located, or long it survived, leave a comment.

Stories, most with a casually racist tinge reflective of the time, that surrounded this ad included:

* Tips on why breathing through the nose carries less risk of invasion from "foreign substances" than mouth breathing (the secret is mucus!)

* Why Piegans were more clever than Crees: a Piegan warrior saved himself from a Cree party by figuring out a trick to make it appear as if there 69 other warriors with him by going around the same rock opening on a certain angle, even if all 69 carried the same gun, wore the same clothing and bore the same limp.

* Rudyard Kipling's opinion of Canada: "There is a fine, hard, tough, bracing climate--the climate that puts iron and grit into men's bones...Things don't perhaps move quite as fast as in the United States; but they are safer, and you are under the flag, you know, and among men of the slower stock and breed. Send your folks to Canada; and if they can't go themselves, let them send their money--plenty of it.

Source: Truth, June 16, 1894


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