an adult's christmas eve in windsor (2)

Windsor Star Mural
Murals on the south side of the Windsor Star, the city's daily rag. The paper has had a rightward tilt ever since Hollinger gained control of previous owner Southam in the mid-90s (the Star currently belongs to CanWest Global). Reading the paper on trips home, I'd be depressed by the nasty tone of the editorials, the tilt of most its new syndicated columnists (hi Thomas Sowell!) and the decreased amount of local coverage.

Still, the Star looks slightly healthier than some of its competition across the river in Detroit. Over Christmas, I picked up copies of the Detroit Free Press and Detroit News and was shocked at how anemic both had become under new ownerships. Both papers have been in decline for years, but they were never this bad - every section seemed to be four pages long, with barely more depth than TO's morning commuter papers. The Freep's web makeover is equally unappealing, with information mishmashed everywhere.

(Hmmm, sounds like I need to do a newspaper rant post...)

Million Dollar Sign
One of the purveyors of the fine art known as "Windsor Ballet".

Alas, The Hat's Been Stashed in the Box
The Top Hat was one of the last of its kind in the region, a genuine 50s-60s era supper club that featured old-style lounge acts, impersonators and comedians for the cocktail set until its demise several years ago. Windsor had a thriving supper club scene, with venues such as the Metropole and Elmwood Casino (now, ironically, the Brentwood alcohol and substance abuse recovery centre). There were a few years where we regularly went for their ribs, served in an old-school atmosphere (dark tablecloths, older wait staff, square chilled pats of butter, etc).

To be concluded...


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