everybody's got a yearbook photo

While back in A'burg over the weekend, I scanned a pile of material for future use on this site and elsewhere. While flipping through some of my father's old yearbooks, I couldn't resist using these finds.

First up, an excerpt from the graduate section of Leaside High School's 56-57 Yearbook, Clan Call. Take a gander at the first name on the class list for 13D:

From Leaside High School Clan Call, 1956-57 Edition

Before anyone asks, my father was a minor niner in 56-57 and didn't know her.

Yearbook pics #2 and 3 come from the 1964 edition of U of T's yearbook, Torontoensis. Interesting story behind this one: for years, my father only had the 1962 (his first year) and 1965 (his grad year) editions. He found the 1964 book, as he found many things, at a Windsor Public Library book sale. Why this book was sitting in Windsor may be explained by the law grad on the left. Even more interesting is the law grad on the right end of this row.

1964 Torontoensis Yearbook, College of Law 

Before anyone asks, my father was an arts undergrad and knew neither of these gentlemen.. - JB


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