the backstreets of toronto: fitzroy terrace

Continuing on in Kensington Market, the next stop is Kensington Place's twin to the south, Fitzroy Terrace.

Before venturing on, care for a drink from this well-stocked, non-functioning fridge?

The traditonal Toronto street sign marking the start of Fitzroy. Like Kensington Place, Fitzroy was built around 1888 to house English workers.

Fitzroy shoots off of Kensington Ave north of Exile, a market vintage clothing fixture since 1975. Used clothing dominates the landscape south of Baldwin, sidewalks and stores crammed on weekends with shoppers thumbing through racks of t-shirts, costume materials, sport jerseys, ski vests, stylin' 70s threads and smart wear for the modern anarchist.

Some streets are marked by arches, others statues. Here, it's a glittery piece of clothing. Wonder if this was snapped up by a last-minute Halloween shopper (all photo were taken on October 29th).

Looking westward. Notice walls fully covered in murals and/or graffiti (it's up to you which is which).

The artwork on the side of Exile.

Feeding the green fire...

Fitzroy grinds to a halt at this small building, home to the Fujian Association. No luck finding any information about this group or building...

...but there is a fading mural of a family across the laneway.

Row housing on the north side. Several kids ran around me, one stumbling in a large Darth Vader helmet and cape.

Uber-tiny window. Use your imagination for a reason it is this size. Note the number of paint jobs this building has seen.

The trip ends back on Kensington Ave, with a grand opening on the north side of Fitzroy.

Next time, a new lane with a name from way, way back in the province's history. - JB

UPDATE TO KENSINGTON PLACE ENTRY: an audio guide to Kensington Place, courtesy of Murmur.


Unknown said…
Any pnotos of fitzroy terrace in 1900 to 1920? I have been searching without luck.Thanks

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