one fine saturday in the city

Feeling impatient about wanting to see the remaining Halloween pictures in my camera, I spent Saturday walking around downtown, snapping whatever looked interesting, or worth looking back on 30 years from now.

Started by heading west along Bloor to the Annex. The ROM has an old new temporary look - the last addition has been demolished to make way for the touted Daniel Liebskind design. Currently, you can see the old outside walls of the museum. Enjoy the view while you can.

As I headed south on Bathurst, a steady stream of cars adorned with red balloons raced by, horns honking. It was a caravan of vehicles for John Nunziata's faltering mayoral campaign. I resisted the urge to yell "Nunziata sucks!" A few ballons fell off, causing anxious moments for drivers behind them.

From there, went across College and down through Kensington Market. One of the few times I didn't run into anybody I know. Went into Chinatown, stopped to snack on some Chinese buns. I should know by now that the "pineapple" style are too messy to eat while walking, but the taste is worth it ("pineapple" buns have a crunchy sugar pattern on top that suggests a pineapple. Have never had one that contained said fruit - usually vanilla custard).

The new addition to OCAD is coming along quickly. For those of you who haven't seen it, go down to McCaul and Dundas to take a look. The least you can say is it's different. The expansion is being built above the current building, supported by slender multi-coloured poles and an elevator shaft.


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