bonus features: memory lane

This post offers supplementary material for an article I originally wrote for The Grid, and was recently republished by Torontoist, which you should read before diving into this piece. 

ts 66-07-23 viking books profile
Toronto Star, July 23, 1966. Click on image for larger version.
Of the other stores mentioned in this article, Ryerson Press's home at 299 Queen West would become home to the CHUM/CITY media empire.

ts 68-06-29 triple fan fair
Toronto Star, June 29, 1968. Click on image for larger version.

Don't fret about what's happening to our heroes on the covers chosen for this profile of the Triple Fan Fair: Ben Grimm turned back into the Thing in the next issue of Fantastic Four, while Spidey found escape less than impossible.

ts 69-04-28 cohen on the whizzbang
Toronto Star, April 28, 1969.

A few words about Captain George's Whizzbang from legendary Toronto Star critic Nathan Cohen.

gm 71-10-02 whizzbang gallery
Globe and Mail, October 2, 1971. Click on image for larger version.
An article on the launch of the Whizzbang Gallery, accompanied by Carmine Infantino's rendition of the Flash.

gm 82-04-24 profile
Globe and Mail, April 24, 1982. Click on image for larger version.

Ending this round of bonus features with an early 1980s profile of Henderson.


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