"has anything burned in kingsville?"

Ever since I moved away from home, a running, slightly sick joke that crops up in family conversations is the question posed in the title of this post. It started due to there being spectacular blazes that wipe out some part of Kingsville every few years. One fire years ago destroyed one of the main commercial blocks downtown (though I forget if the Kingsville Bakery was affected or was already gone by that point. I still have cravings for their cookies and jelly doughnuts). A blaze at a plastics factory in 2002 sent a toxic cloud into the air. Dad usually informed me of smaller blazes in between, which led to the running joke Amy and I probably carry on in his memory.
June 2008 assorted 047A
On my recent trip home, I didn't have a chance to ask the question before I received an answer, as the night I arrived a storage shed went up in smoke at the Kingsville Golf and Country Club, causing $1 million in damage.

June 2008 assorted 049A
Since I was going to head back to Toronto via Kingsville (to take in the produce stands along old Hwy 18), I couldn't resist the urge to snap a couple of shots a few days later.


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