let the electoral games begin...unofficially

Warehouse Election Central

The official start to the Ontario election campaign is September 10th, but we are effectively in the heat of battle now. Party platforms are creeping into media outlets, campaign offices have secured real estate and nasty commercials have started. For politcal junkies, September is going to be a fantastic month.

The Warehouse isn't one to be left out in the cold, so the WEC desk is back in business. From now until voting day, expect occasional entries on odd sights during the campaign, sign aesthetics and whatever else tickles our funnybone or makes us want to lob pies at the party leaders.


In the Warehouse's home riding, incumbent Michael Bryant has been in reelection mode for awhile. Several weeks ago, Bryant campaign workers staffed a booth outside Davisville subway station, offering up sweaty commuters a cool drink. Along with other regional Liberal MPPs, Bryant ads have popped up in bus shelters that aren't explicitly election posters, but pretty much are.

Hold The Burgers, Here's the Election Signs
This sign-festooned campaign headquarters has stood out on recent treks along St. Clair. The site was previously home to the Queen's Dairy restaurant, which used HRH as its logo (though fading, then a last-ditch paint job, made the Queen look more like Princess Margaret as time wore on).

No Parking at Campaign Headquarters
Two items to note: the old-school burger joint interior lighting and the enforcement of the "No Parking" sign.


Spacing Votes is also back up and running, combining analysis and links to election-related coverage in the local papers. As other comprehensive election sites crank into gear, the WEC desk will toss up the links.


One of the major issues locally will be public transit. The TTC recently launched a public survey to help determine any cuts that may be undertaken in the wake of the recent city budget fiasco (side note: is there a new law stating that councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong must be quoted in every article related to city politics?). Torontoist has created an expanded version of the survey, with additional questions fillingin areas the official survey overlooked. - JB


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