more monkey business

Vintage Ad #103 - Darling Pet Monkeys Remove Unwanted Hair Forever
Yes, our friend the darling pet monkey is back. A year-and-a-half after hanging out with Dr. Strange and Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD, here he is in a "confessional" magazine. Maybe the monkey was edging towards more adult concerns - supporting cancer research, removing unwanted hair, etc. Note price and clothing remain the same, leading to one funky (smelling) pet.

Like the monkey, Blair was also a frequent comic book advertiser well into the 70s, with "Tim Newcomer" as their usual saleskid. Alas, no further information on them.

Permagon was only one of a wide variety of oddball products Honor House sold in magazines. If you didn't want a hair zapper, how about a personal nuclear sub? Also, note how the object the scantily-clad model is holding in the closeup looks like a grease/mark-up pencil. Could be they lost the zapper for the shot and had to borrow the closest substitute from the paste-up artist nearby. It is also possible that she is wearing one of the many wigs for sale in this magazine.

Among the "real stories" in this hard-hitting issue:
* Our Housewife "Tea Parties" Were Marijuana Binges
* Why Couldn't My Daughter-in-Law Died Instead of My Son
* My Ex-Lover Walked Back Into My Life
* For Two Weeks Each Year I Was Another Man's Mistress
* I Can't Be A Virgin For More Than One Hour

Remember: give generously this season to the Guelph Rent-a-Monkey Fund.

Source: Real Story, February 1969


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