the backstreets of toronto: croft street (part three)

(Part One | Part Two)

Before heading off to the final two segments of Croft St, we duck onto Harbord to look at one of the remaining colonies of Val Kilmer heads in the city.

Looking north at the entire length of segment #2 of Croft St, running from Lenox to a short alley that leads to Borden St. Lenox St's most noteworthy feature was the Bathurst subway station-themed mural at the NW corner of Bathurst, recently painted over. No more concerned female commuter or old guy leafing through a copy of Fantastic Four #1. The mural had been deteriorating, so it wasn't a surprise to discover its days were numbered.

The rear of various businesses along Bloor. Note the obsession with arrows. This alleyway starts around Robert St, then turns into Croft. Looks like there's plenty of parking.

A devilish figure welcomes you to the last segment of Croft.

Looking north on the final, short segment of Croft, barely half-a-block in length. Hello Bloor Street!

We've reached the end of the line. Given how many times I've seen this sign appear/disappear over the years, I wonder if it's one of most swiped street signs around town. How long before one of the new "Frankensigns" pops up? (if one does, hopefully with a neighbourhood banner - much more attractive than the standard bloated version...but that's a rant for another time).

Our last shot is taken from the north side of Bloor, showing the businesses that welcome you to Croft St, a Thai restaurant and Tim Horton's. - JB


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