the backstreets of toronto: croft street (part two)

Carrying on with our tour...

Looking north at the first cross-street, Vankoughnet. Like most one-ways in the Annex, Croft switches directions here. This method of traffic calming confused me when I was little, especially on Brunswick Ave. Because I only ever saw Brunny from Bloor or Harbord, which provide no access onto it, how did cars find their way onto that street?

The reversing one-ways may be confusing, and are hellish if looking for a park forces you onto Bloor on a busy night, but they beat the speed bumps favoured elsewhere.

UPDATE: While passing Croft on the College streetcar on Saturday, I noticed the traffic direction had changed, so that it flowed southbound instead of northbound. I'll check later if the direction has changed for the rest of Croft.

Modern architecture at #54.

More car barn graffiti, near Ulster St. Mind-blowin'!

The main stretch of Croft comes to a halt at Harbord St, as Central Tech blocks its path. Originally located at St. Lawrence Hall in 1892, construction began on the school's current site in 1913, the cornerstone laid by Prime Minister Robert Borden. There's a chance this might be the most visible part of Croft, given the many films shot at Central Tech (leaf through this PDF of Toronto sites that stood in for other cities/countries from '79-'99).

Closeup of the mural on the home at the SE corner of Croft and Harbord. How idyllic.

To be concluded... - JB


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