random notes

1) Give 'Em Hell, Batboy!
It's 99-cent week at Loblaws, which means lots of time spent in grocery checkout lines. Looking for reading material while my imitation crab flakes and lunch meat creep up to room temperature, I've been browsing through a paragon of journalistic integrity, The Weekly World News. Seems their mascot, Batboy, was there when Saddam Hussein was captured. Other enlightening stories included the musical genius of Britney Spears, a couple banned from all buffets in North America and the discovery that the Earth is shrivelling up like a prune. Worth a few laughs, especially the "Ed Anger" column parodying frothing-at-the-mouth conversative radio commentators.

2) Now It's Sal
Came back from dropping off some of my mom's famous nanaimo bars at Mark and Jess's, decided to check if anybody had called. More junk phone mail, from our friends at Best Price Movers (in no way a division of the Warehouse). New twist - the pitchman is now named Sal and it's not the same guy! Boris/Jimmy/Janos must have gotten the boot, as the new guy never stumbles on "uhhhhh". The phone number flew by too fast for me to send it off to the CRTC.

3) More On My Doppleganger
My sister picked up more info on my Sprint-owing doppleganger while shopping on Friday. She bought a pair of shoes at the John Fluevog store on Queen West. The salesperson asked for her name and a "Jamie Bradburn" came up on their computer, with the doppleganger's address. So now I know their phone and shoe preferences - what's next? -JB


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